
2020 ncaa Team Stats

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Basic Stats Per Game
Team GP Pts 2pt 3pt FT Rebounds Ast Stl Blk TO PF
M A % M A % M A % Off Def Tot
Utah Valley stats Utah Valley 27 68.6 18.0 35.1 51.4% 6.3 20.8 30.2% 13.6 19.0 71.6% 8.2 25.9 34.1 13.2 5.4 4.9 14.1 18.0
Butler stats Butler 31 68.5 18.2 34.4 52.9% 6.8 20.0 34.1% 11.6 16.0 72.8% 9.0 25.8 34.8 12.7 5.3 2.6 11.2 16.8
UMass stats UMass 31 68.5 16.9 34.4 49.1% 7.6 23.1 32.9% 12.0 17.2 70.1% 9.0 23.5 32.5 13.3 6.8 3.2 13.1 18.4
Stony Brook stats Stony Brook 32 68.5 15.0 32.8 45.9% 8.2 24.6 33.5% 13.8 19.1 72.2% 10.2 27.7 37.8 10.9 6.6 4.6 14.6 16.6
Lipscomb stats Lipscomb 30 68.5 18.4 37.0 49.8% 6.8 20.1 33.7% 11.3 16.4 69.1% 9.2 25.4 34.6 12.9 5.3 2.4 12.9 15.4
Fresno St stats Fresno St 28 68.5 14.0 28.6 49.0% 9.5 27.7 34.3% 11.9 16.5 71.9% 10.8 25.7 36.5 12.1 4.7 3.6 12.7 16.1
Virginia Tech stats Virginia Tech 32 68.4 14.7 30.6 48.1% 9.8 28.0 35.2% 9.4 13.2 71.2% 7.5 26.4 33.9 14.6 6.0 3.0 9.9 14.7
Tulane stats Tulane 30 68.3 15.7 34.0 46.3% 7.7 23.0 33.4% 13.9 19.5 71.2% 8.2 22.8 30.9 11.2 8.5 2.5 11.8 15.8
J'ville St stats J'ville St 30 68.3 18.4 37.2 49.5% 6.6 20.8 31.5% 11.7 16.9 69.6% 11.0 24.9 35.8 13.0 5.9 2.6 14.3 16.0
Temple stats Temple 31 68.3 17.3 38.6 44.7% 6.7 20.8 32.2% 13.6 19.8 68.7% 9.8 27.8 37.6 13.8 7.7 3.0 12.9 17.7
MVSU stats MVSU 30 68.3 16.8 39.8 42.2% 8.2 27.9 29.4% 10.1 15.5 64.8% 10.5 24.5 35.0 10.4 7.3 2.9 14.4 19.5
Purdue stats Purdue 31 68.2 18.0 38.5 46.7% 7.2 21.8 33.0% 10.7 15.5 68.7% 12.7 24.1 36.8 13.6 6.5 3.5 11.5 17.5
Idaho St stats Idaho St 28 68.2 18.1 36.6 49.4% 6.3 18.5 34.1% 13.1 19.7 66.3% 9.9 22.5 32.4 11.0 4.4 2.5 13.9 15.3
Georgia Tech stats Georgia Tech 30 68.1 19.9 38.9 51.3% 5.1 16.4 31.1% 13.0 19.3 67.3% 9.6 26.3 35.9 13.1 6.9 4.4 16.3 19.2
ECU stats ECU 31 68.1 18.7 38.1 49.0% 5.2 18.6 28.1% 15.1 20.9 72.2% 9.6 26.0 35.5 13.7 6.5 2.9 13.7 20.9
Morgan St stats Morgan St 28 68.1 18.6 39.1 47.6% 4.9 17.6 28.0% 16.1 23.1 69.4% 12.5 25.9 38.4 11.3 5.2 3.9 16.1 22.2
Coppin St stats Coppin St 31 68.0 15.8 31.8 49.6% 8.0 28.3 28.1% 12.6 19.8 63.6% 9.3 28.7 38.1 10.0 6.7 2.9 14.3 17.7
Loyola Chi stats Loyola Chi 31 68.0 19.2 34.6 55.3% 5.6 15.7 36.0% 12.7 19.6 65.1% 6.3 23.8 30.1 14.2 7.8 1.5 12.9 13.8
Drexel stats Drexel 32 67.8 17.3 35.2 49.0% 7.3 20.7 35.3% 11.4 16.1 70.7% 10.2 24.7 34.9 14.3 5.6 2.7 14.6 16.4
W Michigan stats W Michigan 30 67.8 16.4 34.7 47.2% 7.0 21.0 33.2% 14.1 19.7 71.5% 8.6 25.9 34.5 10.9 4.6 2.2 13.1 18.4
Drake stats Drake 32 67.8 17.1 33.3 51.3% 7.3 20.9 34.9% 11.8 16.5 71.3% 7.5 25.6 33.1 14.7 5.3 4.0 13.0 16.8
Binghamton stats Binghamton 27 67.6 14.7 31.2 47.2% 9.4 29.1 32.4% 9.8 13.6 72.4% 9.7 24.3 34.0 11.1 4.9 2.7 12.2 16.9
Norfolk St stats Norfolk St 27 67.6 15.7 33.3 47.3% 7.5 24.1 31.0% 13.7 19.1 71.7% 11.2 25.1 36.4 12.2 7.3 2.3 14.6 19.6
Bucknell stats Bucknell 34 67.6 15.9 33.3 47.8% 8.2 23.9 34.3% 11.2 16.3 68.7% 8.6 23.9 32.5 12.1 7.1 3.4 13.3 18.6
Oklahoma St stats Oklahoma St 32 67.6 17.8 37.0 48.0% 5.9 18.8 31.5% 14.4 19.6 73.4% 10.2 25.6 35.8 11.8 6.8 3.8 13.3 18.0